RSS Generator
Manual RSS Builder
Supported sources
Any web page
And many more ...
Supported sources
My feeds
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Or you can use the form below to write us a message.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Possible answers:
My feed isn't updating as frequently as you've promised.
The most common reason is a lower refresh rate of your RSS reader. Some RSS readers don't pull feed updates as often as we do. And even if we're refreshing the content according to your subscription plan, your RSS reader may have a lower refresh rate. That's why you can get un updates with a delay. Unfortunately, we can't control the work of third-party software. All we can do is to update the feed in time. But displaying the updates right after it's updated is an RSS reader's responsibility.
Do you have annual (year) subscription?
Yes, we do have an annual subscription. After you select a plan at the
plans list page
and click Upgrade, you'll be redirected to a subscription purchasing page. There you can select a payment cycle (monthly/annual) and check the year (annual) price.
Where can I see my payments history (invoices)?
All your payments are listed on the
If you subscribed with a PayPal, you can also find them in your account at PayPal.com
How can I change my invoices details?
To do this, please go to
and click on the "Change "Invoiced to" button at the bottom.
How to update my payment method / card information?
To update your payment credentials or method, please visit the
page and click the "Change the payment method/cycle" link. Then resubscribe using new info.
My card is not accepted
If your card has been declined, our system will automatically add an alternative payment option that should work with your card. To use this option, please visit
. Then pick a required plan. And select "Credit/Debit card (Alternative)" as a payment method.
Your Manual RSS Builder doesn't work with my site
Please check if this page is rendering a required content dynamically. Unfortunately, our service doesn't understand JavaScript.
The target page has to be rendered on a server-side to be parsed by our service. And with dynamically JavaScript pages that are currently impossible.
Can I fetch RSS from password/captcha protected page?
The short answer is no you can't. Our service can only access publicly available data. We don't have the functionality to read protected pages.
Can I accept/set cookies in the manual builder?
This feature is in development. So please send us a link to your site, and we'll make sure it works in your case when the feature is ready.
Do you have any discounts?
Unfortunately, we don't have any discounts. We're trying to keep the prices as low as possible. So that as many people as possible can use our service. And at the same time to be able to maintain the infrastructure and invest in the development of new features
My Instagram feeds are not updating
We cannot provide Instagram feed anymore.
Read more details
My Twitter feeds are not updating
We cannot provide Twitter feeds anymore.
Read more details
Where can I find a renewal quote for my subscription?
All your current subscription details, as well as renewal quotes, are listed at
plan page
The page is blocked by Cloudflare
One of Cloudflare's function is to protect the page from access by bots/scrappers like FetchRSS. We're respecting the site owner's right to block the scrapping services access, and we won't bypass this restriction. Unfortunately, there's no legal way to get the content from this site by our service.
How to get rid of (Feed generated with FetchRSS) in my feeds?
This message is a part of a free plan subscription. If you purchase any of the paid plans at
page we'll remove this message from all of your feeds.
Do you support the feeds with HTTPS?
Yes, we do in most cases. To get your feed through the secure SSL protocol, change the feed URL address from
://fetchrss.com/... to