Subscription plans

Free $0 / month
5 feeds in account ?
24 hours feeds update rate
5 posts in a feed ?
"Generated with" text in feeds
Deleting unused feeds in 7 days of inactivity ?
Basic $4.95 / month
25 feeds in account ?
3 hours feeds update rate* vary for Facebook
15 posts in a feed ?
No "Generated with" text
Never deleting your feeds while the subscription is active
Advanced $9.95 / month
100 feeds in account ?
30 minutes feeds update rate* vary for Facebook
20 posts in a feed ?
No "Generated with" text
Never deleting your feeds while the subscription is active
Professional $14.95 / month
250 feeds in account ?+ Add more
15 minutes feeds update rate* vary for Facebook
25 posts in a feed ?
No "Generated with" text
Never deleting your feeds while the subscription is active
Professional $24 / month
500 feeds in account ?+ Add more
15 minutes feeds update rate* vary for Facebook
25 posts in a feed ?
No "Generated with" text
Never deleting your feeds while the subscription is active
Professional $49 / month
1,000 feeds in account ?+ Add more
15 minutes feeds update rate* vary for Facebook
25 posts in a feed ?
No "Generated with" text
Never deleting your feeds while the subscription is active
Professional $99 / month
2,500 feeds in account ?+ Add more
15 minutes feeds update rate* vary for Facebook
25 posts in a feed ?
No "Generated with" text
Never deleting your feeds while the subscription is active
Professional $199 / month
5,000 feeds in account ?+ Add more
15 minutes feeds update rate* vary for Facebook
25 posts in a feed ?
No "Generated with" text
Never deleting your feeds while the subscription is active